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Bruno Rangel

Born in Campos, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro, Bruno Rangel graduated in Interior Design in 2003 from Universidade Cândido Mendes.


Living in Rio de Janeiro for nearly two decades, he met architect Paloma Yamagata in 2003, during an exhibition they participated in together. From mutual admiration, a friendship was born that evolved into a successful professional partnership. Between 2004 and 2007, Bruno and Paloma did several projects together for the Yamagata Arquitetura office.


In 2012, the duo resumed their partnership, this time as a collective studio joined by Aldi Flosi, studio consultant.ilo, producer and curator. Currently, Yamagata Arquitetura has an office in Rio de Janeiro and another in São Paulo.

Passionate about carpentry and the design of furniture and objects, Bruno Rangel is in charge of the executive projects department at Yamagata and has lighting, interior design and carpentry detailing as the focus of his work, always with the aim of imprinting personality and exclusivity. to the works executed by the trio.

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